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Great Books by Seasoned Intercessory Prayer Warrior

Nancy Bowser

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We are witnesses of perilous times as spiritual darkness descends upon this generation as never before. Every believer in Jesus Christ is called to pray, to seek His presence, perspective and power. And there are some who have been called to intercession, to be Kingdom Watchmen and Warriors. Prayer is not something we do; rather it is a love connection with our heavenly Father, who loves us and desires an intimate love relationship with us. Through this relationship, we, the Body and Bride of Christ, become rooted and grounded in God’s love and truth. We are able to embrace our identity as Christians and to comprehend our spiritual position of divine power and authority so that we can overcome the power of evil and stand in the gap for others, bringing God’s Kingdom of light and love into the midst of this dark age. Because the Father loves the world so much, in these last days, the Holy Spirit is longing to train, equip and empower His people to fulfill the Great Commission, but the Church is in a state of emergency. The Lord is shaking His complacent Church/Bride out of her comfortable slumber. He is healing the wounded and setting the captive free. He is searching out those who are willing to answer His call to watch and pray and to take up arms against the principalities, powers and rulers of this present darkness. Intercessory Prayer is serious spiritual business. Training and testing are mandatory requirements for the development of Watchmen/Warrior Intercessors. The Spirit of the Lord is in pursuit of those who will answer this call. Will you?

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Warning! This book echoes with the same disclaimer that Ted Dekker said of one of his. “This book is for everyone. But not everyone is for this book.” The invisible forces within the spiritual realm come to life in this riveting tale. There is a war raging against Nicole’s soul, for she has been targeted as a potential threat to Satan’s kingdom. As memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse begin to flood Nicole’s mind, the enemy’s mission is clear. Demons relentlessly pursue her for they want her eliminated! But there is Another who has been with Nicole from the very beginning, and He has been just as relentless in His pursuit of her. The Soul Redeemer has a predestined purpose for Nicole’s life within His powerful Kingdom, and He will never let go of her. While this story is basically fiction, it describes actual events that occur in satanic rituals. It is my prayer that survivors of abuse will not be triggered. However, this story must be told, for many within the Church have no understanding of such things, and therefore cannot minister to the thousands of wounded people held in bondage. And for those who are looking for answers, this book holds keys of truth that will offer hope to those in despair, healing to those who are broken, and freedom for those held captive.


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This gripping novel weaves the realistic truth of Satan’s agenda for mankind with the power of God to overcome. God’s love and Satan’s destruction are at war over the souls of all humanity. It is a time of preparation for those who are in Christ as the era of evil draws close, for our arch enemy, the devil, will soon be releasing his army upon the earth and we must be ready. In this sequel, Nicole steps into her destiny in Christ. She discovers that as she clings to her Soul Redeemer and walks in obedience to Him and His Word, supernatural experiences and angelic intervention become ordinary, enabling her to overcome every obstacle and to fulfill her God given destiny. Warning! While this book is fiction, it addresses some very real issues. Mind control. DID. Programmed multiples. Satanic Ritual Abuse. Demon possession. And the truth behind the Masonic Order, Illuminati and Transhumanism. It is my prayer that survivors of abuse will not be triggered while reading, however, the truth of God’s power to overcome must be told.

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My books are dedicated

to my soon coming King,

Yeshua, and to My Father God, Yahweh, who has prepared me to be the Bride of His One and Only Son.

It is also dedicated to every

seeker of God

who is not content staying in

the outer courts of prayer and

praise, but who desire

the fullness of the Holy Spirit's power working in their lives.​


- Connie Lynn Stoffel

The Tameion Chamber - Copyright 2025

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